Monday, September 19, 2011

The Delay

So I know that a few of you read my blog “Calling All Men”, and I’m sure some of you expected me to have a few more blogs written by now.  As you see there has been a delay, and I just wanted to fill you all in as to why.

            As most of you know I am a Nursing student at Lone Star College Tomball.  Well, college has started, and for the first time in two years I have to work on all my classes not just a few.  That being said, I’m still very excited to be in the Nursing program, and look forward to seeing what the LORD is going to do with this path that He has placed me on. 

            The second reason probably none of you are overly familiar with unless you have been watching my Facebook page.  Our community has been hard hit by a wildfire that began about two weeks ago or so now, and was not fully contained until this last week.  It has been a big deal as it impacted three counties.  Many people were impacted by this fire.  I’m pleased to report that most of my friends who were impacted by this fire had no significant damage, and in fact some homes were spared by mere feet.

            That being said, there have been many people who were impacted by this fire.  I ask that you keep the people of Montgomery, Waller, and Grimes County here in Texas in your prayers.  There was a subdivision in Waller for instance that all but one or two homes was completely destroyed.  It has been a huge blessing to see how the communities impacted rose to the challenge, and continue to do so for the victims as well as the noble emergency personal who responded to these fires.  Prayers are always appreciated.

            Now that I’ve filled you in let me assure you that probably in the next week or two I intend to have the first of many blogs posted related to the new study that I have begun.  We will be first looking at a man in the Scriptures who not a lot is known about, but what is known of him is pretty exciting.  Also I am hoping in the next two weeks to have another book review posted as I have been working through a great book on theology. 

            May you all walk in the Holy Spirit.  I pray that the LORD will guide you on the path He has placed you on. God bless.

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